Information & Resources

One Minute Guides for Practitioners:

One Minute Guide to Advocacy

One Minute Guide to Managing Difficult Conversations

One Minute Guide to the Mental Capacity Act

One Minute Guide to Making Safeguarding Personal

One Minute Guide to Making a Referral to Safeguarding

One Minute Guide to Care and Support Needs

One Minute Guide to SAR referrals

One Minute Guide to the 4LSAB Escalation Protocol

Quick Guide to the 4LSAB Multi Agency Risk Management Framework

One Minute Guide to Prevent

NEW! One Minute Guide to Self Neglect

NEW! Learning Briefing on Self Neglect (2024)

Fire Safety Development Group Learning Briefing (2021)

Fire Safety Development Group Learning Briefing (2022)

Fire Safety Development Group Learning Briefing (2023)

7 minute briefing: 4LSAB multi-agency framework for managing risk and safeguarding people moving into adulthood

One Minute Guide to Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (EUPD)

One Minute Guide to Professional Curiosity, Professional Challenge and Escalation

7 Minute briefing on Professional Curiosity

One Minute Guide to Completing a Case Chronology

One Minute Guide to MARAC

One Minute Guide to carrying out Section 42 enquiries

Seven Minute Briefing on Predatory Marriage

Principal Social Worker’s Top Tips for Safeguarding Supervision 

NEW! Quick Guide to Financial Abuse

NEW! Serious Violence Toolkit

NEW! Armed forces/veterans One Minute Guides:

NEW! 4LSAB Checklist for embedding policies and guidance

NEW! Rapid Read Modern Slavery

Mental Capacity:

UPDATED! Portsmouth City Council Mental Capacity Assessment & Determination of Best Interests

UPDATED! This toolkit has been developed by Hampshire County Council and has been endorsed by the Portsmouth Safeguarding Adults Board. It is designed to help professionals to apply the Mental Capacity Act 2005.

Mental Capacity Act 7 minute briefing

Mental Capacity Act toolkit – produced by Bournemouth University. These materials have been created to help support health and social care professionals working with individuals whose decision-making capacity is limited, fluctuating, absent or compromised. It brings together information from a range of professionals working in the field of mental capacity to provide a comprehensive guide to practice.

NEW! Health and Care Portsmouth Covert Medication Guidance – These guidelines have been developed for health and social care professionals in residential care and supported living settings on the legal, safe and appropriate use of giving prescribed medication covertly. Any such decision or actions taken must be compliant with the Mental Capacity and Human Rights legal frameworks and the relevant regulatory guidance here (NICE: Giving Medicines Covertly).

Radicalisation and Prevent Strategy

For information on how organisations are working together in Portsmouth to deliver the government’s Prevent strategy, visit the Safer Portsmouth Partnership website. The website also includes information on what to do if you have any concerns that an individual may be at risk of radicalisation.

National Policy and Guidance on Safeguarding:

Making Safeguarding Personal resources for practitioners:

Multi Agency Statutory Guidance on Female Genital Mutilation:

Multi Agency Statutory Guidance on Female Genital Mutilation

Illegal Money Lending report for health and social care staff

Care Act 2014 Statutory Guidance (Department of Health, 2014)

The legal framework for the Care Act 2014 is supported by this statutory guidance which provides information and guidance about how the Care Act works in practice. The guidance has statutory status which means that there is a legal duty to have regard to it when working with adults with needs of care and support and carers.

Care and Support Statutory Guidance

Mental Capacity Act 2005 Code of Practice (Department of Constitutional Affairs, 2007)

The legal framework provided by the Mental Capacity Act 2005 is supported by this Code of Practice (the Code), which provides guidance and information about how the Act works in practice. The Code has statutory force, which means that certain categories of people have a legal duty to have regard to it when working with or caring for adults who may lack capacity to make decisions for themselves.

Mental Capacity Act 2005 Code of Practice

Safeguarding – roles and responsibilities in health and care services (Department of Health, Local Government Association, ADASS, NHS Confederation, Association of Chief Police Officers, 2013)

This guidance provides clarity about the roles and responsibilities of the key agencies involved in adult safeguarding. The aim is to ensure that the right things are done by the right people at the right time, working within their own agency and with partners.

Safeguarding Adults – Roles and responsibilities in health and care services

Commissioning for Better Outcomes (Department of Health, Local Government Association, ADASS, Think Local, Act Personal)

This guidance outlines standards to support a dynamic process of continuous improvement and, through self-assessment and peer review, to challenge commissioners and their partners, to strengthen and innovate to achieve improved outcomes for adults using social care, their carers, families and communities. The standards are relevant to all aspects of commissioning and service redesign, including decommissioning. The standards have been designed to reflect the improvements that experience has shown are needed, to support the transformation of social care to meet people’s reasonable aspirations, and to support the implementation of the Care Act 2014.

Commissioning for better outcomes

Working With Victims and Survivors from Gypsy, Romany and Traveller Communities