Adult Safeguarding Training

The PSAB Training Programme 2024-25 is available to download here. The programme includes:

  • Safeguarding Adults Week 2024 lunch and learn events programme
  • MARM training – MARM vs Care Act S42 / Chairing MARMs
  • Self-Neglect and Hoarding
  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Dependent Drinkers
  • Information Sharing
  • Fire Safety – Safe and Well visits / Fire risk vulnerability
  • Abuse of Position for a Sexual Purpose

A list of e-learning opportunities is available here.


Self-neglect and Hoarding

This course covers:

  • Understand what self-neglect and hoarding are
  • Understand what might cause someone to hoard or self-neglect
  • Explore the impact of trauma and attachment styles on self-neglect and hoarding
  • Understand the principles of trauma- and attachment-informed practice with people who self-neglect and/or hoard
  • Explore ”Lifestyle choice” and Mental Capacity in the context of people who self-neglect

This course is multi-agency and open to professionals from all partner agencies who work with adults in Portsmouth, including Adult Social Care, Children’s Social Care, Police, Primary Care, NHS Trusts, including Ambulance, Fire and Rescue, Care Providers, Housing Providers and the Voluntary Sectors.

Trainer: Patrick Hopkinson

Booking information:

This training is face to face at the Civic Offices, Portsmouth. Please click on the link to book: Tue 26 Nov 2024 1:00 PM – 4:00PM

MARM vs S42

This half day workshop provides an overview of the difference between the 4LSAB Multi-Agency Risk Management (MARM) Framework and Care Act Section 42 Safeguarding enquiries, and when each should be used. Identifies the values and principles that underpin the MARM Framework and understanding of the roles of decision makers and responsibilities.

This course is multi-agency and open to professionals from all partner agencies who work with adults in Portsmouth, including Adult Social Care, Children’s Social Care, Police, Primary Care, NHS Trusts, including Ambulance, Fire and Rescue, Care Providers, Housing Providers and the Voluntary Sectors.

You will need to be familiar with the 4LSAB multi-agency adult safeguarding procedures and have attended safeguarding awareness training.

Trainer: Jane Hughes, Making Connections

This training is face to face at the Civic Offices, Portsmouth. Please click on the link to book:

Wed 27 Nov 2024 9:30AM – 12:30PM

Thu 27 Mar 2025 9:30AM – 12:30PM

Chairing MARM Meetings

This half day workshop is aimed specifically at those who have a responsibility to co-ordinate and chair MARM (Multi-agency Risk Management) meetings within their own organisations.

This course is multi-agency and open to professionals from all partner agencies who work with adults in Portsmouth, including Adult Social Care, Children’s Social Care, Police, Primary Care, NHS Trusts, including Ambulance, Fire and Rescue, Care Providers, Housing Providers and the Voluntary Sectors.

You will need to be familiar with the 4LSAB multi-agency adult safeguarding procedures and have attended safeguarding awareness training and be expected to Chair a MARM meeting within your organisation.

Trainer: Jane Hughes, Making Connections

This training is face to face at the Civic Offices, Portsmouth. Please click on the link to book:

Wed 27 Nov 2024 1:15PM – 4:15PM

Thu 27 Mar 2025 1:15PM – 4:15PM

Safeguarding Vulnerable Dependent Drinkers

This course delivers the information and ideas in the Alcohol Change UK (ACUK) briefing Safeguarding Vulnerable Dependent Drinkers.

The aim of that document and of this course is to:

• Encourage and enable professionals in England to use legal frameworks to manage and protect chronic dependent drinkers.

Its focus is on how to make most effective use of the three main legal powers which can protect vulnerable dependent drinkers: the Care Act 2014 in England or Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014, the Mental Capacity Act and the Mental Health Act.

It also focuses on a handful of other relevant powers such as anti-social behaviour powers. In addition, it emphasises the importance of a process framework that will enable the powers to be used most effectively.

It is important to emphasise that using these powers is, in most cases, the last resort. These powers should not replace good community work as set out in ACUK’s Blue Light project manual.

Learning objectives

By the end of the training course, participants will be able to:

• Identify chronic dependent drinkers who require the protection and support of key legal powers

• Understand how the Care Act the Care Act or Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act apply to this group

• Understand how the Mental Capacity Act applies

• Understand how the Mental Health Act applies

• Understand what interventions flow from action under these powers

• Understand what helps makes these powers work to their best effect

Who is this course for?

The course is appropriate for staff in all Portsmouth services who work with people who are at risk of alcohol related harm. This will include anyone working in public facing roles in health, social care, criminal justice, community safety, housing, homelessness, domestic abuse or other welfare roles.

Trainer: Mike Ward, Alcohol Change UK

Booking information:

This training is face to face at the Civic Offices, Portsmouth. Please click on the link to book: Mon 9 Dec 2024 10:00AM – 1:00PM

Fire Safety: Safe and Well Visits

This course will explain what a Safe & Well visit is, what we will cover in a safe visit and support given to prevent and reduce the risk. Identify who we offer visits to and the vulnerabilities that may indicate a person is at more risk of from fire.

This course is multi-agency and open to all partner agencies working with adults in Portsmouth, including Adult Social Care, Children’s Social Care, Police, Primary Care, NHS Trust, including Ambulance, Fire and Rescue, Care Providers, Housing Providers and the Voluntary Sectors.

Trainer: Will Harrison, Community Safety Development Officer, Hampshire & IOW Fire & Rescue Service.

Booking information:

This training is face to face at the Civic Offices, Portsmouth. Please click on the link to book: Tue 26 Nov 2024 2:00PM – 3:00PM

Fire Risk and Vulnerability and Fire Safety Framework

The session aim is to raise awareness of what makes an individual and a family more vulnerable to having a fire, based on local information and incidents, and to provide guidance regarding what agencies can do to acknowledge and reduce the fire risk and how Hampshire and IOW Fire and Rescue Service can support with that.

This training covers:

  • Fire vulnerabilities (person; behaviour; environment factors)
  • 4LSAB Fire Safety Framework
  • Individual Fire risk assessments and control measures for fire risks
  • Safe and Well visits

This course is multi-agency and open to all partner agencies, including Adult Social Care, Children’s Social Care, Police, Primary Care, NHS Trusts including Ambulance, Care Providers, Housing Providers and the Voluntary Sectors.

Trainer: Laura Cane-Andrews, Safeguarding Lead Officer, Hampshire & IOW Fire & Rescue Service

Booking information:

This training is online via Microsoft Teams. Please click on the link to book: Thu 28 Nov 2024 12:00PM – 1:00PM

Information Sharing (Clare’s Law and Sarah’s Law)

Aim and learning outcomes:

This course will give you confidence when it comes to:

  • When and how to share information with vulnerable members of the public about people in their life for safeguarding reasons without the consent of the subject.
  • What the Data Protection Act says about sharing information without consent.
  • Clare’s Law (DVDS) and Sarah’s Law (CSODS) – the Right to Ask and the Right to Know.
  • Where to find guidance from the government about when and how to share this information appropriately.
  • The protections that exist for you if you share such information without consent in an appropriate manner.

The course trainers are:

Jim Dineen – A police training sergeant in the MASH for Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary. He has worked there for 2 years and trained approximately 2000 officers and staff (from Hampshire & IOW and Wiltshire Constabularies) and partners (from ASD, CSD and A&E departments) in various aspects of safeguarding and risk assessment.

Dee Hutchinson – A safeguarding staff manager in the MASH for Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary whose team deal with all Right to Ask and Right to Know applications from members of the public and officers and staff. She has worked in safeguarding for 20 years and has been in charge of the Clare’s Law and Sarah’s Law police procedures since their inception.

Target audience:

This training session is aimed at any front-line practitioners working with children or adults at risk, including social workers, safeguarding leads, health workers, housing staff, teachers and those working in child care.

Dates and booking information:

This training is online via Microsoft Teams. There is no need to book. Please put the session in your diary and join using the Teams links below.

Tuesday 3rd December 2024 09.30-10.45 Click here to join the meeting

A recording of this session is available here.

Abuse of position for a sexual purpose

Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary’s Anti-Corruption Unit would like to invite you to a short training session on abuse of position for sexual purpose. The session covers:

  • Spotting warning signs
  • Reporting concerns to the force
  • Reviews and appeals

This presentation is aimed at practitioners who work directly with vulnerable people in Portsmouth, and is also relevant for those working in the wider Hampshire, Southampton and IOW area.

The training session will be delivered by Chris Stevens-Ballard, ACU Investigator and PREVENT officer.

The session will last about an hour and will include an opportunity to ask questions.

Booking information:

This training is hybrid. To attend online via Teams, there is no need to book. Please put the session in your diary and join using the Teams link below. To attend in person, please use the Eventbrite booking link below to book a space.

Thursday 23rd January 2025 2-3pm (Online OR Conference room B, Civic Offices, Portsmouth)

Attend online (no need to book) Click here to join the meeting

Attend in person (booking essential) Book on Eventbrite

For further information or queries, please contact

A recording from the 2023 version of this training can be watched here.

Safeguarding Concerns training

Safeguarding Concerns E-learning is available here.

Responding to Domestic Abuse

Delivered by Stop Domestic Abuse the “Responding to Domestic Abuse” training combines the previous ‘victim’- and ‘perpetrator’-focused training, and aims to:

  • Define what is domestic abuse
  • What does domestic abuse look like for: Victims, people using abusive behaviours, children, professionals
  • To increase knowledge and challenge stereotypes of victim, people using abusive behaviours, children and professionals.
  • Types of relationships
  • Engaging with your service users
  • Understanding and accessing the referral pathway
  • Effective safety planning and its application to your practice

Training dates:

  • 6th February 2025 – 9.30am – 4.30pm
  • 11th March 2025 – 9.30am – 4.30pm
  • 14th May 2025 – 9.30am – 4.30pm
  • 10th June 2025 – 9.30am – 4.30pm

To book a place contact Stop Domestic Abuse via email The venue will be confirmed once you are booked onto the course.

Self-Neglect and Hoarding Workshop 2024

Slides from the workshop along with other resources on self-neglect and hoarding are available here.

MARM awareness sessions 2023

Recordings of the online awareness sessions on the 4LSAB Multi Agency Risk Management Framework (MARM) which were held in 2023 are available at the following links. These sessions are relevant to professionals working with adults at risk in Portsmouth, Southampton, Hampshire or IOW.

Multi Agency Risk Management Framework overview

Multi Agency Risk Management Framework in Practice

Multi Agency Risk Management Framework – developing operational guidance

PSAB Conference 2024

Slides from the conference are available here.

PSAB Conference 2022

See the slides and information from the PSAB Conference here.

The Importance of Community Partnership Information (CPI) Sharing

A recording of this session is available here.

Female Genital Mutilation Zero Tolerance Day Training

Online training was held in February 2022 to mark the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation.

Download the slides here.

Watch the recording of the training session here.

Launch of the Multi Agency Fire Safety Framework

View the recording of this event and download the slides here.

Resilience film

A free screening of the acclaimed film Resilience was held on 7th October 2019. Click here for more information about the film.

Portsmouth Homelessness Training

3 sessions were held in February/March 2023. View the slides from this training.

4LSAB Homelessness Lunch and Learn 

Slides from the multi-agency lunch and learn session to introduce the 4LSAB Housing Practitioner briefing on Homelessness, held on 5th April 2023, can be found here.

Watch the recording of the session:

Resources for volunteers

See our animated video on Youtube for an introduction to safeguarding adults here

Video for volunteers produced by Waltham Forest here (this video was aimed at coronavirus volunteers but is relevant to all volunteers).

One Minute Guide to Safeguarding (Children and Adults) – NHS leaflet