E-learning opportunities
NHS Health Education England
Introduction to Safeguarding Adults: Level 1
Level 1 is intended for all staff working within health and care organisations, including paid and voluntary staff.
Learning outcomes:
- Describe the importance of dignity and respect in individual-centred care
- Define the term ‘safeguarding’ and understand the role you must play to recognise and report abuse
- Define abuse and list the different types of abuse
- Identify why some adults are vulnerable or more at risk from abusive behaviour
- List the indicators of abuse
- Explain who you need to speak to if you have a safeguarding concern
- Meet the learning outcomes outlined in the UK Core Skills Framework
Safeguarding Adults: Level 2
Level 2 is intended for staff with professional and organisational responsibility for safeguarding adults, able to act on concerns and to work within an inter- or multi-agency context.
Learning outcomes:
- Explain how to support people to keep safe, minimise risk and keep service users at the heart of decision-making
- Explain how to respond to safeguarding alerts/referrals
- Describe the roles and responsibilities of different agencies involved in investigating allegations of abuse
- Describe the importance of sharing information and preserving evidence
- Explain what legislation is relevant to undertaking safeguarding activity
- Identify the risk factors for radicalisation and who to contact regarding preventative action
Cost: free
Portsmouth City Council
Safeguarding Adults
The aim of this course is to raise your awareness of abuse of vulnerable adults, how to recognise it and what to do if you suspect it is happening.
Objectives – by the end of the course you will be able to:
- Explain the term safeguarding adults
- List the main types of abuse
- Explain why an individual might be at risk of harm or abuse
- List the possible indicators of abuse
- Describe the nature and scope of harm and abuse of adults at risk
- Describe where to get further information and advice on safeguarding
- Explain what to do if abuse of an adult is suspected
Cost: free for PCC staff and some partners (please contact learninganddevelopment@portsmouthcc.gov.uk for further information)
Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)
Course content:
- What is safeguarding adults and how does it affect each and every one of us?
- How do I recognise the types and indicators of abuse?
- What can I do if I suspect that someone is being harmed?
- What can I do to make it much less likely that a person might be harmed?
- How do I ensure that safeguarding adults is managed correctly in the context of the Mental Capacity Act 2005?
Learning outcomes:
- Understand your professional responsibilities for safeguarding, and how to respond to safeguarding concerns
- Know the steps for responding to disclosure
- Be aware of current best practice and guidance
- Understand the safeguarding duties and responsibilities in the Care Act
- Be able to describe the challenges of balancing safety and choice and control.
Cost: £29+VAT per person (10% discount for 10+ learners / 20% discount for 25+ learners)
Prevent Training – Home Office
- This offers an introduction to the Prevent duty, and explains how it aims to safeguard vulnerable people from being radicalised to supporting terrorism or becoming terrorists themselves.
- This is introductory training. It will provide an important foundation on which to develop further knowledge around the risks of radicalisation and the role that you can play in supporting those at risk.
- This training addresses all forms of terrorism and non-violent extremism, including far right wing and Islamist extremism threatening the UK.
Cost: free
Modern Slavery – NHS
This session will help frontline healthcare staff to identify victims of modern slavery and take appropriate action to address their health and safety needs.
Learning objectives:
- Explain what modern slavery is, who is trafficked and the reasons why people are trafficked
- State where you might encounter a victim of modern slavery in a healthcare setting
- List the physical and behavioural signs that suggest a person may be a victim of modern slavery
- Describe the rights to healthcare for suspected victims of modern slavery
- Describe some of the healthcare problems that a victim of modern slavery may present with
- Explain what action should be taken if you suspect a child or young person is a victim of modern slavery
- Explain what action should be taken if you suspect an adult is a victim of modern slavery
Cost free
Domestic Violence – AVA Against Violence and Abuse
Level 1: Staff should be trained to respond to a disclosure of domestic violence and abuse sensitively and in a way that ensures people’s safety. They should also be able to direct people to specialist services. This level of training is for: physiotherapists, speech therapists, dentists, youth workers, care assistants, receptionists, interpreters and non-specialist voluntary and community sector workers.
Level 2: Staff should be trained to ask about domestic violence and abuse in a way that makes it easier for people to disclose it. This involves an understanding of the epidemiology of domestic violence and abuse, how it affects people’s lives and the role of professionals in intervening safely. Staff should also be able to respond with empathy and understanding, assess someone’s immediate safety and offer referral to specialist services. Typically this level of training is for: nurses, accident and emergency doctors, adult social care staff, ambulance staff, children’s centre staff, children and family social care staff, GPs, mental health professionals, midwives, health visitors, paediatricians, health and social care professionals in education (including school nurses), prison staff and alcohol and drug misuse workers. In some cases, it will also be relevant for youth workers.
Cost: free
Mental Capacity Act – NHS
The Mental Capacity Act e-learning programme (MCA) is made up of 11 e-learning sessions, which cover the following titles:
- Mental Capacity Act as Part of Human Rights
- Assessing Mental Capacity
- Making Decisions
- Best Interests
- Restraint
- Deprivation of Liberty
- Relationship between the Mental Capacity Act and the Mental Health Act
- Mental Capacity Act and Young People aged 16 or 17
- Research involving People who Lack Capacity
- Mental Capacity Act and Adult Safeguarding
- Settling Disputes and Disagreements
Cost: free
Mental Capacity Act – SCIE
Mental Capacity Act (MCA): e-Learning course | SCIE
This CPD-accredited online course explores the Mental Capacity Act 2005, including best interests decision-making, and how to support people to make their own decisions.
The course is for everyone who looks after or cares for someone, for example, doctors, nurses, care assistants, social workers, and family members.
Course content
- Introducing the Mental Capacity Act
- Supporting people to make decisions
- Assessing capacity
- Best interests decisions
- More complex decisions
- What to do when there is disagreement
- Planning for the future
- Gain an understanding of the five key principles of the MCA
- Be better able to support people to make their own decisions
- Be able to assess people’s capacity appropriately
- Understand and be part of making best interests decisions
- Be familiar with key advance planning tools
This online course has been developed with the Forced Marriage Unit of the Foreign Office and aims to raise awareness, challenge perceptions and explains what to do should you suspect someone is at risk.
Conducting a domestic homicide review
For frontline practitioners. By the end of the course you should be able to understand:
- the domestic homicide review processes
- your individual role and responsibilities within the review process
- the importance of sharing best practice and lessons learned locally and be able to demonstrate your knowledge of the review process
Online training is available via the Safelives Community website – you’ll need to sign up to the Safelives Community, but once logged in, the following free courses are available:
- MARAC Coordinators
- MARAC Chairs
- MARAC Representatives
Recognising and preventing female genital mutilation (FGM)
The Home Office has produced an e-learning package on FGM intended for people working in health, the police, education, the border force and children’s service. It is also suitable as an awareness raising tool for other professionals. You will need to register for this free training.