Board structure

Independent Chair

The PSAB has an Independent Chair whose role is to lead collaboratively and act as a spokesperson for the Board. They also offer constructive challenge and hold main partner agencies to account. Our current Independent Chair is David Goosey, who has been in the role since 2020.


PSAB is supported in its work by a number of subgroups each with its own terms of reference. Some of these subgroups are run jointly with Hampshire, Southampton and Isle of Wight Safeguarding Adults Boards (‘4LSAB’). Short term task and finish groups may also be set up to focus on the implementation of specific objectives or projects.

Safeguarding Adults Review subgroup – oversees Safeguarding Adults Reviews and manages the referrals process. This subgroup also works to ensure the lessons learned from Safeguarding Adults Reviews are embedded in policies and in practice.

Quality Assurance – provides a strategic overview of the quality of safeguarding work, including audit work and monitoring of action plans.

Engagement – works on engaging with service users, families and carers and the local community about safeguarding issues.

4LSAB Policy Implementation – responsible for developing and reviewing multi-agency safeguarding policies and procedures.

4LSAB Fire Safety Development Group – ensures that fire safety risk management and learning from fire fatalities/near misses is embedded into partner working practices to reduce the risk of people being killed or injured in fires. This subgroup is led by Hampshire & Isle of Wight Fire & Rescue Service. For information on how to submit a case to the Fire Safety Development Group, see the Safeguarding Adults Review page here.

4LSAB Health – brings together health partners across the area to work on common safeguarding issues.

4LSAB Housing – – brings together housing partners across the area to work on common safeguarding issues.

Structure chart for Portsmouth Safeguarding Adults Board showing Quality, Engagement and Safeguarding Adults Review subgroups, 4LSAB subgroups (coordination and liaison working group, health, housing, fire safety)